Friday, February 22, 2013

The Evolution of Influenza

           Have you ever wondered why you need to get a new flu shot every year while most vaccinations last a lifetime? The reason for this is the quick evolution of the influenza virus. The virus evolves primarily through reassortment and genetic drift to adapt to vaccinations and other environmental factors. The virus changes structure so quickly that it becomes resistant to old vaccinations and new strains must be developed for each flu season. Current study results indicate that adaptive evolution occurs only sporadically in influenza viruses, and that influenza virus diversity and evolution is strongly affected by chance events, such as reassortment between strains coinfecting a host or the introduction of a particular variant from elsewhere. These factors make predicting future patterns of influenza evolution more difficult, and thus vaccine development is challenging.
            In depth studies of the evolution of the influenza virus have shown interesting trends. The strains tend to group in clusters rather than form a continuous antigenic lineage. This is based on the seasonal immunizations, which select against certain strains. There is a selective advantage for clusters farthest from those in the vaccination.
            The quick evolution of influenza poses a seemingly endless battle to the immune system. Influenza epidemics are estimated to cause 500,000 deaths worldwide per year. Certain strains of influenza have made their mark on human history by proving particularly fatal. These include the Spanish flu of 1918 that killed an estimated 50 million people worldwide, the Asian flu of 1957 that killed 2 million people, the Hong Kong flu in 1968 that killed 1 million people, and the swine flu of 2009, which killed an estimated 295,000 people. The global impact of this virus proves the importance of predicting its evolution to the best of our abilities in order to develop effective vaccinations. However, much of the evolution of influenza is due to random and unpredictable reassortments and genetic drifts, thereby making this task difficult.

Hannah Millimet
Word count: 356


2. Smith, D.J., A.S. Lapedes, J.C. de Jong, T.M. Bestbroer, G.F. Rimmelswaan, A.D.M.E. Osterhaus Mapping the Antigenic and Genetic Evolution of Influenza Virus. Science Magazine. 305(5682): 371-376, 2004.

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  1. How do these random mutations and genetic changes affect the phenotype of this virus? Is the surface coat composition being altered?
    -Mary Morales

  2. Even though I have studied this before, I still wonder how pharmaceutical companies choose which flu strand vaccine to make. How do they know this certain strand of flu will be the one that will spread?

  3. The mutations to the viral DNA result in changes to the surface coat thus changing how it affects the human body. Old antibodies cannot attack and protect against these altered influenza viruses. I think it is extremely interesting how scientists study and predict the evolution of influenza. They have to look at how the virus is evolving and various strains are interacting all over the world to determine which virus will ultimately affect our population.

  4. This is so interesting! What do you mean by the strains evolve in clusters? Could you perhaps provide an example of something else that cluster-evolves?

  5. It's eyeopening to see how many people have been killed by certain strands of influenza. The Spanish Influenza in 1918 killed more people than the First World War! It's understandable because conditions were so compact, dirty, and poor during war times, plus there were barely any health regulations in cities at that time so disease could spread from soldier to soldier or citizen to citizen very easily. With increased health precautions and laws/regulations, plus more knowledge on the disease, the death poll has decreased, however it is still scary to see how many people the influenza affects each year.

  6. I wonder if these various different types of influenza cause different types of responses in humans? I know that some are more lethal than others, but I wonder why that is. What makes one flu strain more harmful than others? It would be extremely useful if we had a way to not only predict the type of strain that was coming next but also be able to tell if it was going to be a particularly dangerous one.

  7. Viruses with the ability to mutate rapidly seem to be prevalent in our society today. Have you read anything about the ancestors of the flu virus or closely-related viruses? Do these also possess the ability to evolve quickly? How does the mechanism of rapid evolution in the flu virus compare to that in HIV?

  8. What makes the flu virus a flu virus? I wonder if there is one particular gene that all flu viruses have in common. If so, I wonder if a vaccination can be found that targets that specific gene.

  9. Do you happen to know approximately how fast the mutation rate is in the influenza virus and if there are current strains that we should be concerned about, or that have reached pandemic status?

  10. I did my blog post on a similar topic, the evolution of drug resistance in malaria, and was just wondering if combination therapies would also be a viable option for combating influenza? Or as Daniel asked, I wonder if the mutation rate in influenza is too high and would combination therapies therefore only contribute to the proliferation of resistance in influenza?
